My Podcast Project

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Podcast Project Plan

Title: My favorite place in Philadelphia

Main Objective:  Students will be able to listen to a 3-5 minute podcast about a location in Philadelphia, and then create a podcast of their own to share with their classmates.

Level: Intermediate

Class Type: ESL Speaking and Listening

Aim: Tourist Report

Activity focus: Listening for main idea and details; speaking practice.

Time: 3-5 minutes listening; 3 minutes speaking.

Material:  computer, internet, headphones, microphone or webcamera


1. The teacher records a podcast about a place in Philadelphia on a recording program. This could be recorded and posted right in Webstudy Forum for the class students to see, or this could be recorded on Podamatic and posted on Blogger. 
2. The students are told where to find the recording and given a worksheet to complete after listening to the recording. They are given a grade on this first part.
3. Next, the students are taught how they can make similar recordings either on Webstudy Forum or on Podamatic.  If on Podamatic, they must also be taught how to open Blogger accounts and how to post.
4. The students are asked to each choose a place in the area they think is interesting and prepare to talk about it.
5. The students have to make a recording about their special place in the area and bring a paper to tell the teacher (and eventually class) where to find their recording.
6.  The teacher types up the locations of the recordings and passes them out to everyone. (If on Webstudy, they are already in the same forum.) Students listen to two other recordings apiece and make comments.
7. Students do self-evaluations using rubrics. The teacher grades the second part of the project using a rubric.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic work, Jenn!!!!! I love your blog intro, podcasts, promo podcast and project! Congratulations!!! Hope to see you in Philadelphia very soon. :D
